Saturday, 18 February 2012

Take Me Back To A Simpler Time

I miss me. I certainly do. I miss that strong willed confident woman I was. I miss how hopeful and emotional I was. Yes I miss those times when I wasn't as emotionally numb, when I used to feel everything to the extreme. Feel happiness from all my heart. Feel love with every pit in my soul. But I guess when I had to feel the pain to the max I started to try not to feel, because it hurt so much I couldn't breathe literally. When you get disappointed so much in the people you love , you sort of stop expecting and by time you even stop feeling the love, you stop caring , you stop looking forward for a better tomorrow and by time you turn to this soul-less person. numb, emotionally dead and cold would be my middle name now. I miss those days when I used to be able to talk about what I feel and cry my little heart out. The ability of having a good cry is a bless that God took away from me. I tried so hard to teach myself to stop feeling the pain that I forgot how to feel the good things in the process. The thing is deep down I'm still waiting for prince charming to come heal all the pain and save me from what I've become. I know you are out there, prince charming. I need you. Save me from me. Come kiss me and breathe life into me again because I've been dead for so long now that I'm without you and I'm tired from all the fake princes. I need something real to hold on to. I need something real to feel and only you will bring back my soul from the dead.


  1. really wonderful..first time to know that you are a good writer. like your way in mixing your feeling with the most suitable expressive words. and you know i was a bout to cry.

  2. Awwww , Thank Ahmed <3 I do really appreciate your opinion. I love writing more than anything, it's the only way i can let it all out.

  3. It takes a lot of courage to spell it out, that word "need" :) you are brave and your every word touched my heart.would give you a Tight Hug D. and a nice Creamy CUp cake :) YOU are a very Fine writer!

    1. Desert Rose, That tight hug and the cupcake are exactly what I need in such a cold weather hahaha , and thanks alot for you comment I really appreciate your opinion, sometimes you just have to drop the heartless cold faced mask and just admit that you are tired of being on your own. and Yes I'm. But I won't let my desire to feel love and affection to cloud my judgment and make me settle for less, it's either prince charming - the real one - or not. Thanks for passing by.

  4. Doodoo you are the best, i know that you are a talented writer;)
    Keep it up Girl and do Keep Smiling :) it's sunnah and free too.

  5. i didn't realize that you're a very good writer d...

    1. I'm sorry I didn't realize who are you , Ahmed what ?
      But thanks anyway!
